Last week on the farm
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- Last week on the farm
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- by Canes Deer Velvet

While most of New Zealand, and much of the world even, is in lock-down for reasons we are all aware of, farmers are considered essential services so life goes on pretty much as usual for us, with a few modifications to keep us all safe.
This awesome team have been putting in the hours in the deer shed for our breeding program. All our best hinds get pregnant to all the best stags and the program allows us to refine the very best traits in our stock. We choose our genetics based on temperament, so they are easy to handle, body size, and most importantly for us, antler size and composition.
What’s different about 2020 is that we all have to stay 2 meters away from each other, unless we are in the same isolation bubble. It’s achievable, by travelling separately, and careful planning in the shed, along with lots of cleaning.
Usually we share a nice meal and a chat in our smoko break. This year it’s more a case of BYO food and drink, and stand over there and eat it! And there is no staying the night for our visiting specialists, they are off in a motel in town so it’s far less sociable than usual.
It all feels very strange, but at the same time we are so grateful to be able to carry on, and to have the space to spread our wings a little. Stay safe out there folks, we are thinking of you!
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